R U Ok?

Stronger Together

In collaboration with R U OK?, we are on a mission to remind everyone about the importance of staying connected and looking out for one another. By simply asking, “Are you OK?” and being ready to engage in open and empathetic discussions, we can create a safety net of care and support that extends far beyond moments of crisis.

Ask R U OK? Because a Conversation Could Change a Life.

At Bright & Duggan, we understand that a strong and connected strata community is built on compassion and care. That’s why we’re teaming up with R U OK? to emphasise the importance of staying connected and looking out for one another, not just today, but every day. We are dedicated to providing valuable information and resources to help you facilitate these vital conversations within our strata community. Our goal is to empower you to ask, “Are you OK?” and to strengthen the connections that bind us together.

Engage in Meaningful Conversations!

  • During breaks from work or study
  • While exercising together
  • When connecting online or participating in shared activities
  • During social gatherings
  • While doing activities side-by-side
  • Over a meal
  • During short trips or while traveling together

In Times of Need:

If you or someone you know requires immediate crisis or emotional support, don’t hesitate to reach out to Lifeline at 13 11 14. For additional local support services, refer to: www.ruok.org.au/findhelp

Conversation Guide

Visit The Website

R U Ok Posters

Prioritise Your Mental Health Today

Because You Deserve Wellness & Happiness.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Discover the transformative power of mindfulness and meditation. Learn techniques to center yourself, manage stress, and cultivate a present-focused mindset.

Stress Management

Explore strategies to navigate life’s challenges with resilience. Uncover techniques to reduce stress, foster emotional balance, and maintain a calm and composed outlook.

Quality Sleep Habits

Learn the art of healthy sleep routines. Discover how proper sleep can rejuvenate your mind and body, improve cognitive function, and boost your overall well-being.

Social Connection

Explore the vital role of social interactions in mental health. Find ways to foster meaningful connections, build a support network, and strengthen relationships.

Effective Communication

Enhance your communication skills to express yourself and connect with others authentically. Learn to navigate difficult conversations, resolve conflicts, and cultivate understanding.

Positive Mindset and Resilience

Embrace a positive outlook on life and develop resilience to bounce back from setbacks. Explore strategies to reframe challenges, manage negative thoughts, and embrace optimism.

If a life is in danger or you’re concerned for your own or someone’s safety please call 000.

Lifeline (24/7 ) 13 11 14 | lifeline.org.au

Beyond Blue (24/7 ) 1300 224 636 | beyondblue.org.au

Suicide Call Back Service (24/7) 1300 659 467 | suicidecallbackservice.org.au

Kids Helpline (24/7, for youth 5-25) 1800 55 1800 | kidshelpline.com.au

MensLine (24/7) 1300 78 99 78 | mensline.org.au

13 YARN (24/7) 13 92 76 | 13yarn.org.au

Support line for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples QLife (3pm-midnight) 1800 184 527 | qlife.org.au